How To Stop Burnout Before It Happens
Let’s talk about burnout! The truth is, burnout happens to the best of us. Whether you’re feeling bored at work or tired of your daily routines, or even running out of patience, you’re not alone! Keep on reading and answer the following questions yes or no…
A. You’re a dedicated person who is 101% dedicated to the well-being and nurturing of the children in your life.
B. You do your best, but sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day.
C. You’re a giver and put others needs before your own.
D. You’re incredibly busy juggling all sorts of scheduling, commitments and have a never-ending to-do list.
E. Yes! All of the above.
Can you identify with any or all of the above?
If the answer is yes, you’re in good company, and I’m glad you’re here!
Because today is the day…. to start putting the focus back on yourself and your needs… it’s called Self-Care, and it’s essential for preventing burnout!
I encourage you to show yourself some love and take a moment to give yourself a big pat on the back.
Do you ever feel like you’re constantly giving and starting to feel a twinge of weariness or maybe heading down the path of burnout?
Can you feel the burnout creeping in?
Whether it’s feelings of crankiness, moodiness, frustration or exhaustion, the constant giving of your time, mental and emotional energy can leave the best of us feeling depleted, not matter how good our intentions are.
Now is the time to take care of you! It’s essential to make self-care a priority for you!
You have amazing gifts to offer the world and that includes the potential to make a hugely, positive impact in the lives of those around you. But you need to fill your own cup before you can share with others.
Keep in mind that “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” Katie Reed
As a matter of fact, parents, teachers, pediatric therapists and other kid loving professionals have the most rewarding jobs in the world! To possess the opportunity of truly being able to nurture a child’s development and to help shape their future is a BIG, full time job with lots of overtime hours!
But the truth is, sometimes it feels downright exhausting. And that’s why, I have 10 Tips To Help You Recharge
It’s your turn to focus on you… and now is the time to nourish your mind, body and soul!
Don’t underestimate how making small changes can have big results.
Top 10 Self-Care Tips for Taking Care Of Your Mind, Body and Soul
#1. MINDSET: Life is only as good as your mindset. Having the right mindset in any situation in life is vital for your success.
“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” Steve Marboli
The truth is… miscommunication and misunderstood expectations can cause undue stress and strain in any relationship.
Managing your expectations and those of others depends largely upon good communication and clear messaging.
If good communication occurs, fewer misunderstandings will happen in the future. This will save you from misunderstandings that will tap your emotional resources and cause unnecessary stress.
#3. MANAGE YOUR TIME: “Either you run the day or the day runs you. (Jim Rohn). Start your day by listing your priorities and block out times in your schedule to focus on those priorities. Don’t forget to schedule in breaks. Research shows that taking breaks actually improves productivity. Check out the Pomodoro Technique.
#4. MEDIA: Be mindful of limiting your media consumption because too much exposure to troublesome news can have a negative effect on your mood, mental health and overall well being. The American Psychological Association states that constant exposure to media can “increase your perceptions of threat, activating your fight or flight response” which is a stress response. This can lead to an increase in physical and mental health problems. Instead focus on the media that helps you feel connected and supported. Take a mental vacation and read a magazine, watch reruns of Saturday Night Live or other comedy shows and create a play list of your favorite movies and shows.
5. Maintain healthy habits: You’re more likely to burnout if you’re body is running on fumes! That’s why caring for your body is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself to feel your best! Plus, eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep and regular exercise can help prevent lifestyle related diseases.
- Get plenty of rest: Sleep apps such as Calm, Headspace, Noisli, Pzizz and Slumber. If it’s your kids keeping you up late, these apps may be a helpful part of a bedtime routine: Sleepiest and Moshi.
- Choose foods wisely to maximize your nutrition: As a general rule, processed foods don’t help anyone’s health or waistline. Try drinking more water or seltzer water instead of sugary drinks. Fill your plate with plenty of fruits and vegetables in addition to whole foods, grains and proteins that’ll help your body perform it’s best.
- Regular exercise: Exercise is not only good for your physical health, it’s also been shown to boost your mood and decrease feelings of stress and depression.
#7. Massage: Do you ever just crave a good massage? If your answer is yes, the reason is because massage has several benefits to help keep burnout at bay. Massage is proven to reduce muscle tension, increase circulation and promote relaxation. Treat yourself to a relaxing spa day at home or learn how to give yourself a killer massage.
#8. Medication: The foundational training of an occupational therapy lens includes the study of psychology and mental health. Growing up with a psychiatrist as a father, the concept of prescribing medication to support a person’s psychological well-being is a self-care strategy I’ve seen work for many people and clients over the years. Feeling down sometimes is normal, but if you notice that you’re having persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety or anger or you no longer enjoy participating in activities you used to enjoy, it would be worth talking to your primary care provider about your options for taking care of your psychological and emotional health, whether it be through counseling or other psychopharmacological interventions.
Here are two simple ways to nurture your innermost being.
#9. Meditation: Meditation is powerful, free, can be practiced anywhere and has incredible benefits for decreasing stress and anxiety. It can help you to gain control over your thoughts, calm your mind and recharge your batteries. Consistent practice of meditation, mindfulness or prayer can serve as an alternative or a complement to other approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy or medications. Meditation combined with regular exercise such as yoga works wonders for the body and soul! Check out Oprah’s top list of meditation apps.
#10. Meet up with family and friends: Staying socially connected is essential for feeling supported and avoid feelings of isolation. Having a support system is not just essential for filling your own cup, it’s one of our most fundamental human needs. In this age of COVID-19, social distancing is a misnomer. It should really be called “physical distancing”. Fortunately, today’s technology gives us many opportunities to meet new friends and opportunities to nurture and grow our social connectedness online. Brene Brown, a professor at the University of Houston who specializes in social connection says,:
“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irresistible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically and spiritually wired to love, to be loved and to belong.”
If you’ve gotten this far on this post, I want to thank you for thinking about YOU and for being a part of the Play It Forward Community!
I challenge you to pick 1-3 self-care strategies that will calm your mind, relax your body and soothe your soul!