Play It Forward Therapy

Valentines Day

OT Tested and Kid Approved Activities

Category: Valentines Day

Valentines Day
Jessica McMurdie

Tic Tac Toe Cookie

The taste of sweet success doesn’t get any better after winning a game of Valentine Cookie Tic Tac Toe. In fact, win or lose, nothing beats a board game that you can eat! Kids will love playing…

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Valentines Day
Jessica McMurdie

Valentine Laser Maze

Here’s a Valentine themed obstacle course that kids will love! It’s super easy to set up and will keep kids occupied for quite some time while challenging their motor skills and body awareness. The first step is to string yarn in a crisscrossing pattern between pieces of furniture. Your kids will need to navigate through this “laser maze” without touching the yarn lasers.

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Activities Valentines Day
Jessica McMurdie

Friendship Party

Valentines Day is a sweet reminder to celebrate love and friendship! The kids at the clinic love these friendship themed activities that can be practiced all year round. My kids and I host an annual Friendship Party to get to know classmates better or to reunite with friends they haven’t seen for a while.

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Activities Valentines Day
Jessica McMurdie

Valentine Scooter Board Obstacle Course

Kids will absolutely LOVE this scooter board obstacle course aka “The Valentine Car Wash”.

Lie down on your tummy and propel yourself forward through the tunnel. As you come across the Valentine, pick it up, then push up your arms to place the Valentine under your chest. This requires upper body and arm strength as well as weight shifting from one arm to the next, strengthening the shoulder girdle and core. It also challenges motor planning because your child must figure out how to move forward using their arms as well as sequencing multiple steps to collect the items as they propel through the tunnels.

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