Play It Forward Therapy

Child Development

OT Tested and Kid Approved Activities

Category: Child Development

Child Development
Jessica McMurdie

Sensory Tools and Travel Tips

Vacations are definitely something to look forward to this summer! Exploring new cities, discovering the national parks, relaxing at the beach or enjoying amusement parks are just some of the wonderful adventures that will create lasting memories for years to come. It’s a special time for young families.

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Why You Should Never, Ever Take Away Recess.

Recess is an essential part of a child’s school day for many reasons. The opportunities for movement are key foundations to a child’s overall well-being and health as well as their sensory motor development. Recess sets the stage for developing play skills, social skills and self-regulation, which all help kids learn how to successfully socially navigate through life.

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Child Development Screening Checklists
Jessica McMurdie

OT Screening Checklists

Do you suspect that your child or student may have challenges reaching certain developmental milestones? The Preschool and School Age OT Screening Checklists are practical tools for teachers, parents and therapists that provide a holistic perspective on key areas of development that may be hindering a child’s participation and performance during every day routines.

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Child Development Screening Checklists
Jessica McMurdie

Occupational Therapy School Age Screening Checklist- FREE

How are things going at school? Do you think your student could use a boost? Occupational Therapists help kids reach their developmental milestones, improve motor skills, handwriting legibility, sensory processing and social skills. If your student is experiencing any of the following that are interfering with his or her participation, success at school or confidence in the classroom… then occupational therapy intervention may be helpful.

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Child Development Screening Checklists
Jessica McMurdie

Occupational Therapy Preschool Screening Checklist- FREE

How are things going at preschool? Do you have a 3, 4 or 5 year old at home? Occupational Therapists help preschoolers achieve their developmental milestones and get ready for kindergarten! Occupational therapy can help children build important fine motor, sensory processing and social skills. Many parents worry about their child “appearing different” or “standing out”, however if the foundational kindergarten readiness skills are not addressed early on, kids may struggle more later on, and their problems will become even more noticeable.

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